Casin dei nobili


Casin dei nobili


"A peculiarity of this showroom is the window that overlooks a typical Venetian canal and with a small dormer on the ceiling that lets the light filter in from above, making it seem that this place is suspended between water and sky."

The Casin dei Nobili showroom was founded in May 2002 by Stefano Oliani and Valentina Pala, who chose a splendid environment with a small internal courtyard for their store and art workshop specializing in baroque-style Venetian masks made of papier-mâché and ceramics, enriched with precious materials such as authentic ostrich and grouse feathers, gold and silver leaf, Swarovski crystals, and beads. The workshop is the kingdom of Stefano Oliani, who moved from the province of Mantua in 1987. In Venice, in addition to his profession as a set and costume designer, he rediscovered a passion he had never lost, creating his first mask in Neo-Baroque style, a characteristic that makes these small works of art stand out from other Venetian masks. Valentina Pala, Stefano's partner, with her savoir faire has transformed in just a short amount of time the boutique into an enchanted and unreal place, one of the most original and exclusive creative Venetian environments frequented by VIPs and celebrities. The name "Casin dei nobili" evokes in Venetian dialect the way the dating houses and casinos where Venetian nobles spent their time, often masked, were called. Special and one of a kind, Stefano's masks have an intricate charm and are first cast with bronze molds and then resin for production.

Casin dei Nobili Showroom

Dorsoduro 2766B


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